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Day 20: Bargaining At Its Finest

Today we went to this huge market where we got to purchase gifts and souvenirs from local merchants and artists. We got to practice our bartering and see what it's like to be bombarded by people trying to sell you totally overpriced goods. People grabbed my arms, others hollared at me, some just said, "sista, sista! Karibu! You come to my shop! Look around! Very goody price!" It was all very loud, hectic, and to be honest, overwhelming. Still, I prevailed and got all the gifts I'd wanted to get for people back home and a few treasures for myself at solid prices. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and now I'm trying to go to bed because I have to get up at 4 to catch a public bus back to Arusha. I'm not looking forward to the 10 hour bus ride.. 

Me with one of Amber's weave casualties 

Wish me luck! 😛😞

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Nanny said...

Bria there have been 3 terror attacks. one în tunesia in north africa. when do you come home? they have high alerts especially for July 4th. the one în tunesia was at a beach.

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